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Download Quran Auto Reciter Terbaru

Posted by Firdaus's blog 10/28/10

Hi bro,,ujan trus nih ,,,indonesia lagi banyak musibah,,ikut berduka cita untuk para korban ,,termasuk MBAH MARIJAN yang terkenal luar biasa memegang prinsipnya, salut buat mbah,Semoga tenang di sana ya mbah,

Ko malah ngelantur gini to,,maksut firdaus , dengan kutipan di atas semoga kita bisa lebih mendekatkan diri kepada allah ya bro,semoga allah selalu melindungi kita, amin,
Berhubung firdaus Di bidang Software, jadi firdaus ingin mengajak anda semua mendekatkan diri bro dengan bantuan software tentunya,

Software sederhana namun cukup canggih yang wajib untuk di miliki oleh setiap umat muslim!
Software ini dapat membantu anda untuk belajar "membaca" sambil "mendengarkan" Al-Qur'an. Quran Auto Reciter juga di lengkapi dengan pengingat "sholat 5 waktu ". keren ga bro, Semoga Kita bisa Lebih meningkatkan iman kita dan semoga kita bisa lebih kuat untuk melewati hidup ini tentunya di jalan yang benar yaitu jalan Allah.BETULLLLLLLLL..hehehe
Dah kayak Zainudin MZ j 

Yawdah deh nih link nya di bawah , silahkan di Download Gratis Sepuasnya,hehehe

Download Borland C++

Posted by Firdaus's blog 10/26/10

Borland C++ is a C and C++ programming environment (used to be called an Integrated Development Environment) for DOS, Windows, and Windows NT. As a successor of Turbo C++. Its better debugger, the Turbo Debugger, was written in protected mode DOS.

Object Windows Library (OWL) : A set of C++ classes to make it easier to develop professional graphical Windows applications.
Turbo Vision : A set of C++ classes to create professional applications in DOS. Those classes mimics some of the aspects of a Windows application like: dialog boxes, messages pumps, menus, accelerators, etc.

Borland Power Pack for DOS : It allows you to create 16- and 32-bit DOS applications using protected mode. Those applications can access a limited scope of the Windows API and call functions in any Windows DLL.

Borland CodeGuard : Once installed and integrated within the IDE, CodeGuard can insert instrumentalization code in the final executables that can be used to monitor: pointer usage, API calls, how many times some function is called, among other features. If some error is found, a pop-up window appears, the debugger can stop or a log is written to disk. Delivered for 16- and 32-bit applications.

Version History

Borland C++ 1.0 - (1990, MS-DOS) Next Version was 2.0
Borland C++ 2.0 - (1991, MS-DOS)
Borland C++ 3.0 - (1992) New compiler support to build Microsoft Windows applications.
Borland C++ 3.1 - (1992) Introduction of Windows-based IDE and application frameworks (OWL 1.0, Turbovision 1.0)
Borland C++ 4.0 - (1993, Windows 3.x) MS-DOS IDE supported no longer, included OWL 2.0.
Borland C++ 1.0 - (1992, OS/2)
Borland C++ 1.5
Borland C++ 2.0 - (1993, OS/2) Support for 2.1 and Warp 3. OWL 2.0. Included IBM SMART Toolset for automatically migrating Windows applications to OS2. Last version.
Borland C++ 4.01
Borland C++ 4.02 - (1994)
Borland C++ 4.5
Borland C++ 4.51
Borland C++ 4.52 - (1995) Official support for Windows 95, OWL 2.5
Borland C++ 4.53
Borland C++ 5.0 - (1996, Windows 95) Released in March 1996. Works on Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51. It does not (officially) work on Windows NT 4.0 (which was still in development at that time). 3rd party tests exhibited some problems on NT 4.0. It does not work in Windows 3.x or DOS. Despite that, it can produce either Win32, Win16 or DOS programs.
Borland C++ 5.01
Borland C++ 5.02 - (1997) Final release of the Borland C++ IDE (subsequently replaced up by the C++Builder series), final release to support compilation to (real-mode) MS-DOS target. Windows NT 4.0 officially supported.
Borland C++ 5.5 - Command-line compiler only (not with IDE). It is still (freely) available from Borland at CodeGear.

Sumber: Wikipedia

Download | Download Borland C++ 

Hi Bro ,,,Mau Update Anti Virus,,Setelah Saya mencari Di google ternyata Banyak sekali yang protes kalo Avast Internet Security 5.0.377 itu  Ada yang bilang lemot lah, ada yang bilang nge hank lah , buanyak yang mendapatkan kendala tersebut bro,,

Tapi sekarang pihak avast telah mengupdate Avast Internet Security 5.0.377 menjadi Avast Internet Security v5.0.396 Final. Menurut saya Versi ini bagus, dan banyak juga yang "ngiming" (bilang) hehehehe katanya bagus gitu.
ternyata Avast Internet Security v5.0.396 Final ini dapat berjalan dengan normal dan lebih stabil untuk digunakan

Download | key buat Avast Internet Security 5.0.377 (Key)
Download | Avast Internet Security v5.0.396 

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